Paying it Forward!

Paying it forward!

pay it forward One of the best opportunities about this course is the opportunity to “pay it forward”. To share with others what I have learned in the hopes of helping. Overall, my experience was very positive and the information I shared was well received. The person I choose is very passionate about TLH and is eager to grow both professionally and personally.  She is currently going through a huge life-changing event so I felt the timing was perfect. Read more

A Miracle Morning!

SleepyThe Miracle Morning:

I have been using the Miracle Morning method for about two weeks now. I have tried to implement a routine that will be easy for me to continue over time. I am not one for meditation so when I take my dog for a walk in the morning I take a route that leads us past a beautiful scenic view of the valley below. It is quiet and allows me to practice deep breathing for about 5-7 minutes consistently and visualize. It also reminds me how lucky I am to be able to see that view each day. Read more

Optimal Health

              To me, optimal health encompasses mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Ideally, I will know I have reached my optimal health whenimages (4)I have reached my target weight, regularly exercise,  eat a healthy, balanced diet all the while maintaining a healthy emotional and mental balance. Read more

Better Than Most!

While I didn’t score low on my resiliency quiz, I definitely identified areas for improvement and have come up with a plan to continue building a resilient nature. I do feel that I am adaptable with a positive outlook on life, two qualities that most experts agree is necessary to achieve your most resilient self. I will make sure to cultivate and nurture these aspects of my personality. I would like to think differently about failure. Rather than assuming failure means I am exposing some deficiencies in my character, I will look at failure as an opportunity to grow and improve. Read more

Nozbe Weekly Review

Nozbe Weekly Review:

This is the first week I am implementing the “weekly review” into my routine. It was productive, reinforcing, and extremely helpful. I established the agenda and setting of how and where the review would take place and that went well. I was able to concentrate for an extended period of time. It was helpful to begin by reviewing my short and long term goals because it grounded me and brought front and center what I want to accomplish, both personally and professionally.

I felt lighter and more accomplished after the review especially as I saw all I had completed the week prior. I also felt more focused and energized and began to look forward to the week ahead. I felt a sense of relief knowing what I had to focus on and where my priorities lay. I did reorganize some of my calendar settings and time frames for project completions now that I am a tad more comfortable using Nozbe on a daily basis. Next week I want to spend a good amount of time reviewing the changes I made this week to make sure they are affective. I will also spend a little more time analysing my previous week’s calendar because it really helped jog things I needed to follow up on and look further into.

Potential Barriers to my goals

This exercise has been one of my favorites on my journey to becoming unstoppable. It has been invigorating, exciting, scary, and refreshing to list my goals. Now the hard part begins: accomplishing these goals! I know a little blood, sweat, and tears might be in order and that is okay. Nothing worth it ever comes easy. I do not want to have written these goals in vain. I want to conquer them and create more! In order to do this, I need to recognize the obstacles I have set in my path. It has not been easy to think about why I might not reach my goals but it has been necessary. I will learn as much from the journey as I do from the goal. Read more