While I didn’t score low on my resiliency quiz, I definitely identified areas for improvement and have come up with a plan to continue building a resilient nature. I do feel that I am adaptable with a positive outlook on life, two qualities that most experts agree is necessary to achieve your most resilient self. I will make sure to cultivate and nurture these aspects of my personality. I would like to think differently about failure. Rather than assuming failure means I am exposing some deficiencies in my character, I will look at failure as an opportunity to grow and improve.

I read an article about resiliency by Jessie Sholl, a writer for experiencelife.com. In the article she talks about un-adapting. A process of being grateful for the little things in your life that people usually take for granted. While writing in The 5 Minute Journal everyday I will continue to recognize 2-3 things everyday that I am grateful. By learning to appreciate everyday things such as a roof over my head, employment, clean clothes, shoes, and abundant food, we will build up our gratitude well that will better equip us to face obstacles/changes.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is also identified as critical for resiliency. Eating healthy and exercising aligns with my short and long term goals so I will make sure to do both consistently, every day.

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