Nozbe Weekly Review:

This is the first week I am implementing the “weekly review” into my routine. It was productive, reinforcing, and extremely helpful. I established the agenda and setting of how and where the review would take place and that went well. I was able to concentrate for an extended period of time. It was helpful to begin by reviewing my short and long term goals because it grounded me and brought front and center what I want to accomplish, both personally and professionally.

I felt lighter and more accomplished after the review especially as I saw all I had completed the week prior. I also felt more focused and energized and began to look forward to the week ahead. I felt a sense of relief knowing what I had to focus on and where my priorities lay. I did reorganize some of my calendar settings and time frames for project completions now that I am a tad more comfortable using Nozbe on a daily basis. Next week I want to spend a good amount of time reviewing the changes I made this week to make sure they are affective. I will also spend a little more time analysing my previous week’s calendar because it really helped jog things I needed to follow up on and look further into.

One thought on “Nozbe Weekly Review

  1. Glad you saw the value. This only grows. Its also a great way to feel a sense of accomplishment with all that you did and then to look forward and feel really motivated about the week ahead.


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