Paying it forward!

pay it forward One of the best opportunities about this course is the opportunity to “pay it forward”. To share with others what I have learned in the hopes of helping. Overall, my experience was very positive and the information I shared was well received. The person I choose is very passionate about TLH and is eager to grow both professionally and personally.  She is currently going through a huge life-changing event so I felt the timing was perfect.

A few of the key areas I focused on where set-points, stress management, and optimal health. I fear she could burn out and I notice she takes a lot on so I want to ensure she is handling stress appropriately. Over the course of a few days I asked her to read through and listen to some of the material we used in the course. We discussed the importance of setting SMART goals and identifying the values we stand for. She took the stress test we took, which opened her eyes!paying it forward

The exercise had a tremendous impact on me. It felt AMAZING to be able to share the great tips, tricks, and lessons that I have learned over the past few months. There is nothing better that watching someone experience his/her “AH-HA” moment, as Oprah would say. I hope it was as helpful for this individual as well. This person had never really sat down and thought about all they wished to accomplish so the short and long term goal exercise was really helpful, especially when compared to their values. They felt a sense of pride when they saw both were aligned. My greatest wish is that this individual will take what she has learned and pass it on!


One thought on “Paying it Forward!

  1. Great way to end the course…Make sure to follow up with your colleague. Its so easy for people to fall back on bad habits. Sometimes, they need a “gentle” nudge to get back on the horse and ride through the pain.


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