SleepyThe Miracle Morning:

I have been using the Miracle Morning method for about two weeks now. I have tried to implement a routine that will be easy for me to continue over time. I am not one for meditation so when I take my dog for a walk in the morning I take a route that leads us past a beautiful scenic view of the valley below. It is quiet and allows me to practice deep breathing for about 5-7 minutes consistently and visualize. It also reminds me how lucky I am to be able to see that view each day.

After that I write in my 5 Minute Journal and then run two miles, if time permits. If not, I will jog in place and do jumping jacks for 10 minutes and will make sure to run/jog two miles that evening. Finally, I will listen to various pod casts or read “self-help” articles while drinking my morning coffee.

I feel more energized, focused, and ready to attack the day since starting the miracle morning. I anticipate that keeping to this routine will help me remain on target and focused on achieving my short and long term goals. I will need to be at my best in order to achieve all I want and this is a great start. I do want to continue exploring avenues of exercise so I can find and surpass my 20x. I have been looking into kick-boxing classes or some form of martial arts and running more 5K’s. I want to break through that mental barrier I have so I know I can achieve anything I put my mind to!

One thought on “A Miracle Morning!

  1. Love the photo of Sleepy! Sounds like you got a nice routine in the morning, which will you put you in a great mind set for the rest of the day.


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