This exercise has been one of my favorites on my journey to becoming unstoppable. It has been invigorating, exciting, scary, and refreshing to list my goals. Now the hard part begins: accomplishing these goals! I know a little blood, sweat, and tears might be in order and that is okay. Nothing worth it ever comes easy. I do not want to have written these goals in vain. I want to conquer them and create more! In order to do this, I need to recognize the obstacles I have set in my path. It has not been easy to think about why I might not reach my goals but it has been necessary. I will learn as much from the journey as I do from the goal.

Short Term:

– Marry my fiancé on 10/8/2016 🙂

– Spend one night a week with Joe where no electronic devices are permitted.

– Read and take notes on one history book (fiction or non-fiction) about WWI a month

– Research local volunteer opportunities

– Hike the Appalachian trail from Boiling Springs, PA to Perry County, PA by 10/2/2016

– Jog three times for 30 minutes every week

– Do Yoga 2 times per week.

– Compile a FAQ for every school we offer tuition planning for as a resource for TLH employees

– Enroll in one computer course per year to increase my knowledge of computer programs.

Long Term:

– Identify the topic of my book about WWI by 10/2/17

– Create an outline with annotated bibliography about my book written around my chosen topic by 10/2/18

– Run a 10K before my 40 birthday

– Travel to Europe to tour WWI battlefields and memorials (and perhaps research!)

– continue to grow as a leader within TLH.

– Do not let the fear of failure intimidate my decisions.

– STOP procrastinating

Potentials Barriers:

1. Procrastinating: I anticipate one of the biggest barriers will be procrastinating, especially when it comes to exercising. In the past, I easily put off goals “until tomorrow” but tomorrow never seemed to come. I thought about the typical excuses I use; “I am too tired” or “my day was too stressful”. SO, I decided to wake up 45 minutes earlier three times a week to run with my dog, Macie. This takes those excuses off the table of being tired at the end of the day plus I use the extra exercise my dog will get as an additional motivating factor. It has been two weeks and so far I am sticking to my new routine.

2. Being overwhelmed by the enormity of the task I have set, particularly with the book I will write and running a 10K. To combat this, I set attainable, short-term goals to help me build positive momentum. For example, reading one book and two journals a month as part of my research and running (not walking) 5K’s. I have walked two 5K’s already so I know I can do but now I want to push myself to run/jog.

3. Fear of failure. I am learning to not hold myself to unattainably high expectations. It is one of the most debilitating aspects of my personality. I have to do something perfect or not at all. That is not realistic or healthy. I will try my hardest and let that be good enough. When I am feeling the fear take hold, I will continue moving forward no matter what and face the fear.

4. I am too busy! This is probably a common one for many people. If not now then when? I think listening to inspiring Ted Talks and pod-casts will help renew my commitment if/when I find myself allowing life to get in the way. Also, talking with my fiancé will help keep me focused and on track without shaming me.


2 thoughts on “Potential Barriers to my goals

  1. This is good, but a few points. I think a few of your goals can pop a little or rather feel like sub-goals. For example, research volunteer opportunities feels like a sub-goal. Also, will you feel a sense of accomplishment when you have “researched” them. i would like to see this more specific like select a non-profit to get involved with in 2016. Also, you may want to consider creating a more overarching goal like “get in the best shape of my adult life by: doing yoga twice per week, running three times per week, etc.” Again, the FAQ goal seems interesting, but more as a sub-goal. What if it was a bit larger like become the authority on all things financial aid at TLH? The last two goals in long-term don’t feel like long-term. Continue to grow as a leader at TLH is good, but you may also want to define that more.

    Hopefully, this helps.


    1. Todd, I could not agree with your comments more. I have written and rewritten my goals about 8 times. I struggle with setting long-term goals and I may have focused too intently on making sure my goals are SMART…I do think this will be a work in progress and I look forward to finalizing the list.

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